Archive for May, 2018

Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Group Read/Movie Night June 2018

Last week, we asked you to vote on a slate of four candidates for our next One LibraryThing, One Book read, along with an accompanying film adaptation, which will be our next LT Movie Night. Thanks to all of you who voted!

Our Winner

With 164 members in favor, Neil Gaiman’s Stardust made the final cut (with Atonement and The Price of Salt coming in close together. Meanwhile, Into the Wild got more votes against than for!

Originally published in 1998, Stardust will be our first fantasy book we’ve taken on for OLOB. The story follows an young man on a quest to bring back a star to win the (romantic) favor of a particular young woman. Of course, it turns out the star has other ideas, which lend themselves to quite an adventure.

The book also has a graphic novel version, featuring art by Charles Vess. Folks reading along are welcome to choose which edition they’d prefer to read.

The film of the same name was released in 2007, and is available to stream on Netflix in the US. Both the book and film should be readily available at most local libraries, too!


If you haven’t joined us for One LibraryThing, One Book before, I encourage you to stop by the introductory blog post to catch up on the basics.

Official discussion for the book will begin Monday, June 25th, at 12pm EDT. But that doesn’t mean it’s too early to get started! If you’d like to get a jump on talking to your fellow readers, “Introduce Yourself” thread. Have you read Stardust before, or want to get discussion going while it’s still in progress? Share your (spoiler-free) thoughts in the “First Impressions” thread.

Movie Night

We’ll post reminders as the date draws near, but our 2nd-ever LibraryThing Movie Night will take place Friday, June 29th, at 9pm EDT. By that point, book discussion will be well underway, and this will add more to it!

We hope that everyone who voted (particularly those whose top pick won!) will join us for the read! General questions or comments about One LibraryThing, One Book, are, as always, welcome here. Stay tuned to the One LibraryThing, One Book group for updates!

Labels: fun, movie event, One LibraryThing One Book

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018

Vote for June’s group read & movie night

This June, we’re gearing up for a double feature: we’re back for another round of the site-wide group read, One LibraryThing, One Book (OLOB) plus, we’re combining this with the next LibraryThing Movie Night—we’ll be reading a book together, as well as watching the film adaptation. And we need your help picking which book/movie combo to discuss!

LT Staff got together and came up with a slate of four books and film adaptations—we think we’ve got a group with a little something for everyone. On to the nominees:


Voting will remain open for one week—from now until Thurs., May 31st, at 12:00pm EDT.

» Go vote for your favorites now!

We’re using LibraryThing’s own poll system this time. This allows members to vote “yes,” “no,” or “undecided” on each book/movie pair, so you can express both your likes and your dislikes. We’ve assigned point values to each response, and the book/movie with the most points at the end of voting will be our selections.

Then what?

We’ll announce the winner as soon as voting ends on May 31st. We want to give everyone ample time to acquire and read the book, so discussion will start on Monday, June 25th. LT Movie night for the accompanying film will be later that same week, on Friday, June 29th.


If you’re unfamiliar with One LibraryThing, One Book, or want to see what we’ve read in the past, check out our OLOB blog archive. You can also see our last LT Movie Night selection here.

Questions? Comments? Feel free to post them on Talk, or drop me a line at

Labels: fun, movie event, One LibraryThing One Book

Monday, May 7th, 2018

May 2018 Early Reviewers

Win free books from the May 2018 batch of Early Reviewer titles! This month we’ve got 117 titles, and a grand total of 3,950 copies to give out. Which books are you hoping to snag this month? Come tell us on Talk.

If you haven’t already, sign up for Early Reviewers. If you’ve already signed up, please check your mailing/email address and make sure they’re correct.

» Request books here!

The deadline to request a copy is Monday, May 28th at 6pm Eastern.

Eligiblity: Publishers do things country-by-country. This month we have publishers who can send books to the US, Canada, the UK, Israel, Australia, France, and many more. Make sure to check the flags by each book to see if it can be sent to your country.

Thanks to all the publishers participating this month!

Candlewick Press Akashic Books Tundra Books
Penguin Teen Canada Puffin Books Canada Random House
Bloomsbury World Weaver Press Heritage Books
Muskrat Press, LLC Avery Beacon Press
Mirror World Publishing Everything Goes Media Timber Press
The Lemic Group, Inc. Nicholas Brealey William Morrow
Ballantine Books Platypus Media Revell
Plough Publishing House The Ardent Writer Press Read Furiously
CarTech Books Tantor Media HighBridge Audio
NewCon Press Cloud Lodge Books Harper Perennial
Gecko Press Sinful Press Anaphora Literary Press
Open Books Oneworld Publications Prufrock Press
Mythic Delirium Books Month9Books BHC Press
Zimbell House Publishing Small Beer Press EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
City Owl Press Common Deer Press Spirit Paw Press, LLC
Prodigy Gold Books Gefen Publishing House Hot Tree Publishing
Eifrig Publishing Chronicle Books

Labels: early reviewers, LTER