We’ve just added a fun new page that wraps up your 20231 activity on LibraryThing.
Check out your Year in Review to see the highlights of what you’ve contributed on LibraryThing this year, including what you’ve read2 and added.
>> Your LibraryThing 2023 Year in Review
Your Year in Review answers all your most pressing questions, such as: how many IKEA Billy bookcases would be needed to store the books you added this year? Who were your top authors? Of the books you added, what had the earliest publication date? How many pages did you read this year? What colors are your 2023 books? How many Talk posts did you write? What were the top awards and honors for your books? What badges and medals did you earn?
You can share your Year in Review with others just by posting the URL, or by taking screenshots to highlight your favorite pieces (like the beautiful poster of book covers).
Take a peek at some of our Years in Review:
Check out some screenshots:

What do you think? This is the first year we’ve attempted a year-end wrap up, and we’d love your feedback. Join the discussion of the Year in Review page on Talk.
- These stats are based on data from January 1, 2023 through today. Have you added new books since we released Year in Review? Click the regenerate button at the bottom of the page to update your data. We’ll update it for everyone after December 31, 2023. ↩︎
- Data about books read is only displayed if you used reading dates to track your reading on LibraryThing. ↩︎