Archive for May, 2008

Friday, May 30th, 2008

LA meet up

We’re having a LibraryThing meet up at the Library Bar in LA tonight! Come join us for a beer around 7 pm.

It’s downtown, at 630 West 6th St (directions and a map here).

Labels: la, meet up

Friday, May 30th, 2008

BookExpo America, day 1

BookExpo America is turning out great. I did a talk, “What is LibraryThing and Why Should You Care?” (the program had some other title). It was refreshing to look at LibraryThing from a book-industry and publisher perspective again—most of my talks are aimed at libraries these days.

The talk was well attended, but not exactly crowded. I blame this on Clay Shirky (author of Here Comes Everybody), scheduled down the hall from me in the same time slot. Even I wanted to sneak out of my talk and go see his. Fortunately, Abby and I caught up with Clay afterwards, and we ended up going to dinner together. What a great dinner that was!

Tonight, we’re having a LibraryThing in LA meet-up. Come join us for a beer at the Library Bar at 7pm. It’s downtown, at 630 West 6th St (directions here).

Labels: bea

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

LibraryThing at BEA

We’re headed to LA in the morning, to attend BookExpo America. There’s a longer post on the main LT blog, but I wanted to quickly mention it some things too.

We’re booth-less (and fancy-free), but we’ll be walking around wearing our LibraryThing t-shirts. So if anyone wants to accost us, please do! If you’d prefer setting up a meeting, just drop us an email ( or

Tim’s giving a talk—4pm on Thursday. Location unknown (check your program?)

And last, but certainly not least, we’re having a meet-up while we’re in town. Friday, 7pm at the Library Bar. Come have a beer with us!

Labels: bea, meet up

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

LibraryThing at BookExpo America

Tim and I are off to Los Angeles in the morning (in the very very early morning) to go to BookExpo America (BEA)—the US’s biggest book fair. It’s always a fun event, full of authors and publishers and booksellers and librarians and other book-industry-types.

The event is limited to people within the “book industry”, but that includes you, librarians, so come on down! Free advance copies of books, meeting publishers, conference sessions about programming events and new book titles—BEA is very librarian friendly. Online registration is closed, but you can still get in at the door.

If you’re at a loss for things to do (how could you be?) Tim is giving a talk (“Social Cataloging and Social Networking Experimentation: Insights from LibraryThing”) from 4-5 on Thursday (May 29th).

On LibraryThing, check out the BEA 2008 group and BookExpo America on LibraryThing Local. I started adding events to the listing on Local, but there are over 600 author autographing sessions so I gave up.

And if you’re going to be at BEA and want to set up a meeting (want to know more about Early Reviewers? Author Chat? Listing events or getting your bookstore into LibraryThing Local?), just drop me an email (

Meet up at the Library Bar — 7pm Friday night
While we’re there, we’re having an LA meet-up of LibraryThing members. So whether you’re in the area just for BEA, or you live there, it’s the perfect excuse to have a beer with us! Come join us at the Library Bar (630 West 6th St.—directions here) on Friday night (May 30th) at 7pm.

And everyone should check out the menu, even if you can’t come. The beer list is broken down into sections like “American Authors”, “Epic Novels”, “Women’s Studies”, and “Periodicals”. How can you resist?

Labels: bea, la, meet up

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Affable Hurt Bibliographer?

I recently discovered a wonderful “splog”—spam blog*—automatically created from a host of blog posts about LibraryThing for Libraries, most or all of them from posts by Kate Sheehan (Loose Cannon Librarian), who wondered whether she had perhaps written it during a very lost weekend.

Parts sound almost sane:

“LibraryThing adds three pieces relative to truth-function”

“Tags are not usually predominate. Subjects’ reign and delitescent all for hierarchical major orders cannot have being excepted. And, contrasting cute inessential systems, Danbury exceptionally to advantage aliases overused obligation, anodyne about speaking of the fetid problems”

“They causes your mescal button gig on route to pullulate for splendrous calcium. Okay, not that.”

(Okay, not that indeed!) Parts both insane and titilating:

“Turned-on? If your ghoulish rapport seeing LibraryThing in preparation for Libraries present-time your fill out, impart us an email at sandy”

“Studied that a check in is tagged “lambkin tanked” isn’t inevitably that sound. In any event prosper onwards the moniker, and oneself opens the Nip Browser in preference to rooster star-studded. The trim you gives amounts until dowhacky tied “The Peacock Soaked Pedantry Rise”–without Lauren Weisberger and Jennifer Weiner for Sophie Kinsella till Emma McLaughlin, all-inclusive nearby at the Danbury stock room.”

Will someone check the Danbury stock room, please? Something strange is going on in there.

*Unlinked to. Linking to splogs is a good way to tell Google you’re a splog too—you

Labels: strangeness