Introducing the LibraryThing Skill for the Amazon Echo, Dot and other Alexa devices. Take a look:
The LibraryThing Alexa Skill is a weird but easy way to add books to your LibraryThing account. Just stand in the foyer, with a bag of new books, or on top of a rickety bookshelf ladder in the attic, and say:
Alexa, tell LibraryThing to add [Book Title] by [author]
And Alexa will add the book. Or it will try to. It’s not perfect.
To get a higher success rate, skip the title and author and just read the barcode, or ISBN number, off the back of your book:
Alexa, tell LibraryThing to add [Barcode or ISBN number]
There are a few other commands. Try:
Alexa, ask LibraryThing how many books I have.
To dazzle your friends with your intelligent personal assistant and your impressive library.
What Else?
- See the LibraryThing Wiki for detailed directions on how to install it, and what to say.
- Come talk about this on Talk.
Have fun!
- The Alexa app was coded up by Chris Holland (@conceptdawg), who did a bang-up job, with an immature programming environment.
- Thanks to Abby and Puck (pictured) for the video.
Labels: app, new features
Thank you!!!! This is officially my favorite skill!
Wow, nice! This will probably get me to start keeping my reading log again!
Will this work with ASIN insteas of ISBN?
It would be great if Alexa could use the Amazon Dash Wand to read the barcode.
Alexa, tell me where I can hide the body…
Can you make this available on the UK please!
We’d like to, but it may be some time coming, as we’re a bit tied up with other projects at the moment. We’ll be sure to announce it once it’s available!
Could I read a list of titles to Alexa in a place without internet access and then download it later ?
It doesn’t seem to be working anymore.
Amazon won’t allow you to enable it.