After congratulating Loranne and Matt, I want to thank everyone who applied for the job and didn’t get it.
You are superstars
Almost 700 people ended up applying. Many put a lot of work into their cover letters, and I asked almost 100 to complete detailed follow-up questions. I interviewed 10–at two hours each, on average. People gave us a lot of time, and I’m grateful for it.
The applicant pool was amazing, including booksellers, librarians, publishing people and book lovers of innumerable types and talents. We seriously considered everyone from a director of marketing at a red-hot imprint to first-job people who just loved books so much they had to apply. Many were long-time LibraryThing members, many “outsiders.” Each “cut” was difficult. I suspect that most could have done the job, and I suspect hundreds would have rocked it. Deciding on Loranne and Matt was exciting. But saying goodbye to so many great people feels like a loss.
So, thank you for your time, and good luck in your careers. You guys are the superstars of the book world.
And all I got was this lousy t-shirt?
If you applied for the job, and if you’ve read all the way down to this, you may be saying “I applied for this job, and all I got is nice words?” But if you applied, you also know the original job post hid something at the bottom.(1)
Well, not true. You also get a t-shirt. Well, at least the first 100 people to ask will get one. (We might go above 100, but supplies here may give out.) Just email Tim your address, color and size, and we’ll hook you up.
1. About 1/3 missed it.
Labels: employees, employment, jobs
Glad to see you found the right people for this cool position. Love your cover image. I once wrote in a blog post, “there’s something not right about a monochrome library.” I think you just changed my mind. In this case it’s entirely appropriate!
Here’s my fun little piece:
Congrats on your new team members!