Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Spine Poetry Contest Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered our Book Spine Poetry Contest! We were happily overwhelmed at the number of entries we received (373 total!), and all of the judges agreed that it was very difficult to choose just a few winners. You can check out all of the entries in the gallery. Click on the images in this post to see the full-size versions.

Without further ado ….

We’ve decided to award two grand prize awards: the first goes to HouseholdOpera for “Dark and Stormy Night” (pictured at left). The poem reads “The dark is rising / under Milk Wood. / A wave / travels / the forest, / tempest-tost.”

The second grand prize goes to klx, for the only poem that made almost all of us laugh out loud when we read it (pictured at right). Here’s the poem as captioned by the author: “My goat ate its own legs, / Weird by true, / A moveable feast. / The idiot.”

Along with the honor and fame, HouseholdOpera and klx have both won an LT t-shirt, stamp, and sticker, plus a CueCat and three lifetime gift memberships to LibraryThing!

We picked two runners-up: both will win their choice of an LT t-shirt, stamp, or CueCat, plus two lifetime gift memberships. The runners-up are trippingpencil, for “Feed / the white tiger / or she dies, / Asshole. / How good do we have to be?” (at left) and opheliaskiss, for “The Bookseller” (at right).

We also chose a few Honorable Mention winners; each will receive a lifetime gift membership. These are:

  • eelee for Cameras
  • jorlene for Such a long journey …
  • Sylak for The Library / Thing of Beauty (which, the author writes, “will never be broken up by me and now sits in pride of place at the top of my bookshelf for visitors to admire”)
  • Rating an Honorable Mention (but not winning another prize) is HouseholdOpera for Steampunk Internet.

    I’ll be contacting the winners today to claim their prizes. And let me just reiterate how really difficult choosing the winners was: we had a great range of really amazing material to work with!

    Congratulations to our winners, and a big thanks again to all the entrants and to our special guest judge, Nina Katchadourian! Watch for a collection of Nina’s Sorted Books projects, coming in 2013 from Chronicle Books. And stay tuned; this was a good success, so I think we’ll do it again next year!

    Labels: book pile, contests


    1. tiffin says:

      Add another laugh to the goat one. Brilliant, klx!

    2. klx says:

      Wow, thank you so much!! I’m honored 🙂

    3. soniaandree says:

      Haha! 🙂 The goat poem is brilliant and the others are well deserved too! Congrats!

    4. Sylak says:

      Arrr! Shiver me timbers!
      I be well pleased wit dat result.
      Congrats to all me buckos on LT especially ye sea dogs what took part dis year.
      Fair winds to ye all!
      Captain Sylak.
      (‘International talk like a pirate day’ September 19 2012)

    5. CherJo says:

      Very entertaining! But please note: this should not be attempted with a Kindle.

    6. Eda says:

      congrats all you winners! ^^

    7. BookSteward says:

      Especially loved the goat poem, but the others were wonderful too! What a great idea!

    8. cmbrigance says:

      I absolutely love this idea. I would honestly like to try it with my students; I think they would really enjoy it (I know that I did)!

    Leave a Reply to cmbrigance