Welcome Kate McAngus (LT member katemcangus), who’s filling the job we posted a few months ago.
Kate is going to be working primarily on LibraryThing for Libraries—doing customer and technical support, and generally making sure Abby doesn’t go crazy.
Kate’s a librarian, with a Masters of Library and Information Science from Simmons College.* She also has a Masters in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Virginia.
She likes reading, running, yoga, dogs, Russian, breakfast tacos (the only thing Texas has on Massachusetts). Ironically, she’s a vegetarian with the last name McAngus. Kate hails from Austin, Texas and says y’all a lot. Favorite authors include, but are not limited to, Vladimir Nabokov, Eudora Welty, and Tana French.
*Bringing our total number of card-carrying librarians up to… four! (Abby, Chris C, Jeremy, and Kate)
Labels: employees, librarything for libraries
I don’t see the contradiction in the name. Most anguses are vegetarians.
Congratulations on the new gig!
Congrats, Kate! I bet LT is a really cool place to work.
Congrats. Just slightly envious. OK, way envious..
Welcome, Kate!
I think I’m more jealous about this: “Masters in Slavic Languages and Literatures” then the job! Wow!
Welcome to LT. There are lots of folks for you to meet, we hope you’ll enjoy us.
Добро пожаловать!
Grats! Librarians represent!
Big, big congrats, Kate! Can’t wait to steal things from your reading list, for my reading list!
The ONLY thing Texas has on Massachusetts? Not quite.:) But congratulations anyway, from one Southern librarian to another!
Congrats and Welcome to LT.
Hooray Kate! So excited for you!
Congratulations Kate!
Oooh, oooh – a book loving, dog loving vegetarian – how can it get any better? Congratulations!
Congrats Kate! Love your favourite authors! Masters in Slavic Languages–how wonderful! And a vegetarian–inspirational! My protagonist in my upcoming novel, Summer of the Dancing Bear, is named Kata–she is also one of my favourite characters.
Wish you all the best.
Wahoos represent!!
Woo hoo! So excited for you!
Congrats Kate for the Job, wishing you the best success in future ahead.