Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

Welcome Jeremy!

On January third LibraryThing will welcome a new employee: Jeremy Dibbell (member JBD1).

Jeremy is well-known to the LibraryThing community as the leader of the Legacy Library and Libraries of Early America, which he’s been coordinating since 2008.

Jeremy will be taking on our newly created “social media” job. He will coordinate the Early Reviewers program, State of the Thing, LibraryThing for Publishers, LibraryThing for Authors, our Facebook and Twitter presence, and everything else involving member projects and outreach. We’re going to take advantage of his particular knowledge of rare books and historical books, through outreach to these communities and the development of new features for them.

Jeremy’s job is comprehensive and global. He’s here to fix what’s ailing, shut down what isn’t worth it, and organize and create the things that will carry us forward.

Jeremy has two masters from Simmons College, one in Library Science and another in History–the exact same combination Abby has. We stole him from a job at the Massachusetts History Society, where he was an Assistant Reference Librarian, and worked on much of their social media, editing the blog and creating the John Quincy Adams Twitter diary.

We wanted to hire Jeremy the instant he indicated he might be available. I’ve myself have known him for a couple years now, and have developed enormous respect for his intelligence and dilligence. We already have a good working relationship, from Legacy Libraries and other projects. I can’t wait to work with him fulltime.

Jeremy will start work on January third, jumping into a lot of open issues and a mailbox that’s already full.(1) On the seventh he’ll be flying off to San Diego with Abby for the Midwinter meeting of the American Library Association. If you’re going, be sure to say hi him.

1. How cruel is that?

Labels: employees, employment, jeremy dibbell


  1. Jan Elkins says:

    Welcome. I would kill for that job. Oh, if only I lived in Maine.

  2. Bookwormteri says:

    Welcome Jeremy (although you have been affiliated for quite some time it seems)! Hope that the job is everything that you hope, I am a little jealous. Congrats!

  3. vancouverdeb says:

    Welcome Jeremy! Hope you have lots of fun here! πŸ™‚

  4. Mrs. Foster says:

    I am truly impressed – I taught Jeremy in high school – he has always been headed for great things! Not only is he smart but a truly nice person also! Congratulations to Jeremy.

  5. veritas says:

    sounds like the job is in PERFECT hands…. !!!

    go jeremy! i still lament that not being stateside prevented me from applying, but it’s great that it went to such a fantastic candidate!

  6. TheFlamingoReads says:

    Jeremy, welcome! I’m sure you know how lucky you are to be working for such a great team and website like LibraryThing! I’m jealous!

  7. Brightcopy says:

    Welcome to the monkeyhouse! πŸ˜€

  8. Robert Durick says:

    Welcome Jeremy.

  9. Katya says:

    Hooray! Nice to see a diehard LT contributor move on to a paid position. πŸ™‚

  10. barbara atkins says:

    jeremy, best of luck. i am sure you will absolutely love working with this group of creative and interesting people. sounds like a terrific job and one you’ll fit right into!!!

  11. SqueakyChu says:

    A perfectly brilliant choice!!

  12. Esta1923 says:

    Welcome! Truly hope you will enjoy the many “constituencies” that make us a community.

  13. Welcome and congrats, Jeremy. Anyone with your credentials and experience, who can put down his favored histories and bios long enough to read Watership Down fifteen times is my kind of guy. We’re lucky to have you on board and I wish you all the best.

  14. oregonobsessionz says:

    Congratulations! Your catalog has been on my “interesting libraries” list for quite a while, and has contributed to my ever-expanding wishlist. It will be interesting to see what you do with these new responsibilities.

  15. Jeremy says:

    Many thanks to you all for the congratulations and encouragement. I’m very excited to get started!

  16. kath says:

    Welcome Jeremy!

  17. Connie53 says:

    Congratulations, Jeremy. And lots of succes with this fabulous job

  18. This is really great news for LibraryThing (and terrible news for the MHS!) I’ll introduce myself at Midwinter. Looks like 2011 will be a very good year at LibraryThing!

  19. Marie T says:

    Welcome Jeremy – congrats!

  20. Lee in Charlotte says:


    Come on in. I am hopeful you will make Librarything more vibrant and less redundant and remember, any Friday night you are visiting Charlotte between Aug and mid Dec, let me know and we will watch exciting Charlotte Catholic football. Dinner on me. Welcome aboard and all the best. Happy New Year.

  21. Peter Buchin says:

    … and what’s the deal with cheese allergies?

  22. Janet Boyer says:

    Welcome, Jeremy! You sound like the perfect man for the job. :o)

  23. Laura (Ryskamp) House says:

    May need some help from you… good luck on your new adventure.

  24. BKWORM1959 says:

    Welcome Jeremy! Congratulations on your new position; good luck.

  25. Dawn Robinson says:

    Jeremy, You are a favorite. Lucky LT! Full steam ahead. I’m sure you will be a fine asset as well as enjoying your involvement at this new level. Nice photo, too!

  26. nikos says:


  27. Pam says:

    Welcome Jeremy!

    I saw you at ALA but didn’t get a chance to stop in.

  28. salliehood says:

    I am very interested in your knowledge of the early US history books. I am a direct decendent of Nancy Ward and Richard Taylor the President’s father but through his mysterious son George which there is little known about. I would love to learn of books about either one. Thank you
    Sallie Hood

  29. Jeremy, welcome!It will be interesting to see what you do with these new responsibilities…
    Best regards

  30. Sunflower6_Cris says:

    Congrats Jeremy! How much snow have you gotten in Maine??? πŸ™‚

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