I love authors. I love them so much I married one! LibraryThing has a whole host of special features to encourage authors to join, and make the most of the site.
So it comes as a surprise to hear LibraryThing called anti-author. (What we are, is against pay-for-review schemes, and authors who think LibraryThing is for posting advertisements and not engaging with anyone.)
So, we’re going to prove it. Until May 1, authors willing to join up, become LibraryThing authors and add some books, get a free CueCat barcode scanner, shipped for free. If you’d rather get a t-shirt, we’ll send one of those instead.
The rules:
- This applies to new members, or members with less than fifty books added today.
- Your LibraryThing author page has to show at least 10 members with one of your books.
- You have to add fifty books to qualify for the scanner.
- Or: If you have 100 members with one of your books or have had a book on LibraryThing Early Reviewers, we’ll send you the scanner before you catalog fifty books.
How to do it:
- Sign up for an account.
- Send an email to Abby at info@librarything.com to become listed as an official LibraryThing author.
- When you meet the rules, send Abby your address and we’ll send you the CueCat and/or t-shirt.
More for authors on LibraryThing. There are a number of other ways authors can use LibraryThing:
- If you’re interested in providing copies of your new books for LibraryThing members to review, check out Member Giveaways or have your publisher participate in Early Reviewers.
- If you’d like to give your fans a chance to chat with you, sign up for an Author Chat.
- If you have upcoming readings or events, you can add them to LibraryThing Local.
UPDATE: Let us catalog your library! If you are a really “big” author, a LibraryThing Flash Mob Cataloging mob will come to your house and catalog all your books for you! We won’t tell anyone where you live, bother the cat or steal the silverware. You get a high-quality catalog entered by librarians and book nerds. We get the fun of cataloging an interesting library. (Yes, we think this stuff is fun.)
We tried to get this offer to Jon Updike, after doing his church, but he died soon after. (Jeremy and the Legacy Library crew REALLY hopes his library is not broken up and unrecorded, like Arthur Schlesinger, Jr’s!) We’ve also offered to do Neil Gaiman’s, so far without success. I now extend our invitation to Steven King, a fellow Mainer, and indeed close neighbor to Katya, librarian and flash-mob cataloging’s “original cataloging” maven. Anyone got King’s email? (Rhetorical question.)
Labels: author chat, authors, cuecat, cuecats, early reviewers, LTER