Tuesday, February 14th, 2006

Tag expansion delay / 2am downtime

UPDATE: (1) Work-logic is still coming. In that connection, you will see incorrect “shared” numbers if you look at your catalog early this morning. It’s still calculating the “initial” guesses. I had to redo it to correct for forgetting to hint that titles differing only with respect to capitalization were probably the same book… (2) I’ve expanded the tag field. If I don’t notice a performance impact, it will stay that way.

The current tag field is capped at 255 characters. A post yesterday begged for an expanded tag field, and I said I’d look into it. I didn’t get to it last night, but I will tonight.

I’m going to take LibraryThing down at 2am EST (11pm PST, 7am GMT—see I got the GMT right this time!). This will give me time to do the tag thing and bring some works-based stuff online. I’ve had to rewrite the “people who own X also own Y” system. In the process, I’ve added the ability to see the recommendations raw (Harry Potter wins!), weighted (the current system), omitting books by the author of the suggesting book, and flagging the books you already own. With luck, I’ll bring that live tomorrow.

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