Archive for the ‘wineberries’ Category

Friday, August 17th, 2007

LibraryThing party photos

Sometimes I get behind. We have at least four announcements racked up—a major hire with another this close to being hired, two new features and a contest. Before we do any of them, however, we need to get this out: the long-awaited pictures from LibraryThing pizza party in Cambridge, MA.

Turn-out was good. Freak downpours discouraged some , but at least 25 members showed up. If we had all brought our LibraryThing libraries, it would have come to some 28,000 books. No kidding.

Our thanks to everyone who came. It was great fun to put some names to faces* and find out something about who people were outside the site. I’ll post the rest of the photos on Flickr soon.


Eager to start munching.

Conversational groupings.

Inside was less fevered.

Knitters knitting.

Reader reading.

Harvard alumni plotting.

7,000(?) books between them.

Children everywhere!

Altay’s after-party. We had an astounding amount of pizza left over.**

It seems unfair to expose others and not myself. But nobody took a picture of me at the party. So, here I am the next morning, feeding Liam wineberries.***

*Oh, except for one person—not shown—nobody objected to being on film and online. But I left off names to protect the innocent. No such policy prevented Flickr: herzogbr from identifying Altay and the back of my head.
**Not to mention alcohol. We actually gained there, and came back to Portland with a small trash barrel full of beer. We have had exactly one left—a Sam Adams. I think this means adding Dutch books was some sort of drunken dare.
***No photos of Abby either. But here she is presenting at Readercon, and here she is with the inestimable Kate Sheehan of the Danbury, CT library, at Library Camp in NYC.

Labels: flickr, party, wineberries