Monday, July 10th, 2006

Add books improved

I made some improvements to the Add Books tab. Notably, it now saves the libraries you use on the left, and remembers them between sessions.

We hashed many of the features out on the Google Group. But I’m still considering whether the tag box should be “sticky” or not. Oh, if you’re pining for the old one, use it here.

In a day or two we’ll be adding the most requested feature—adding multiple books at a time.

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  1. Luke Kendall says:

    I tried adding some books, but found that while I could easily find multiple books I own via searching for a favourite author, instead of being able to select several from the search results and then click add, there was no way to select multiple books.
    That made the “Add Book operation” into a 1 minute task per book.
    For over a thousand books, that just makes it impractical to catalogue my books.
    I see this ‘most requested feature’ was hoped to be added in a day or two’s time, in 2006?
    On the other hand, the Android App for LibraryThing is lightning fast at scanning and recognising ISBN barcodes. It does mean that there’s a couple of days of library shelf unstacking and re-stacking to be done!

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