Archive for June, 2024

Thursday, June 27th, 2024

TinyCat’s June Library of the Month: The Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

I’ve been eagerly hoping for an interview with our current TinyCat’s Library of the Month since they joined us in 2018. It is my pleasure to feature the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, whose library is run by Archivist & Librarian Jonna C. Paden. Jonna was kind enough to field my questions this month and share more about their important work:

Who are you, and what is your mission—your “raison d’être”? 

The Library & Archives is part of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (IPCC) located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The library is a special collections, non-lending research library dedicated to the culture, traditions, history and lives of the 19 Pueblo nations of New Mexico and the Ysleta del Sur in El Paso, Texas. We provide publications and information about Pueblo and Indigenous peoples and communities of North America. We aim to provide materials that reflect the voice and perspective of Pueblo and other Indigenous peoples about their history and contemporary activities. 

The IPCC Library & Archives holds over 8,500 books about the twenty Pueblo and other Indigenous nations. As a research library, we primarily hold nonfiction titles across a range of subjects. We have dissertations and theses by Pueblo scholars and about Pueblo topics. We have historical and contemporary materials, including books that are no longer in print. 

We are currently open to the public Tuesday through Friday from 9am to 5pm (MDT).

Tell us some interesting things about how your library supports the community.

The library supports Pueblo educators, researchers, students and community members within the city of Albuquerque, and nearby and distant Pueblo communities, IPCC staff and volunteers, and the general public. The library hosts the Pueblo Book Club quarterly and features a variety of Native authors or topics significant to Native American history. I also write a blog, Indigenous Connections and Collections, which features various Native American topics and is a great research resource. We are a welcoming place that supports research about Pueblo people and topics. If we don’t have the material, we can help connect to a library or place that does.

What are some of your favorite items in your collection?


I love the Children’s and Juvenile section! The fiction and non-fiction books are primarily Indigenous authored and illustrated with engaging stories and beautiful tribally representative Native artwork. Young Indigenous readers can see accurate portrayals of themselves and role models in these books.We also have unique materials not found elsewhere like reports and collected research materials donated by archaeologists and others. Donations like these are greatly appreciated! We also have a collection of newspaper articles dating from the 1980s to the mid-2000s which highlights Pueblo artists and writers and the activities and changes of Pueblo and tribal communities during this time.

What’s a particular challenge your library experiences?

Contrary to what some people might think, there is a lot of work done in libraries from cataloging to shelving, data entry to responding to research requests, and so on. Our challenge is staffing, so a catalog that makes processing books easier is very helpful.

What’s your favorite thing about TinyCat and is there anything you’d love to see implemented or developed?

TinyCat is very user friendly for anyone to catalog and is very affordable for small libraries. (I use it for my personal home library, too!) I love that an app has been added that populates data entry fields by scanning the book’s barcode. I also like that there are a variety of ways to customize and view the Take Inventory page depending on what details you want to see.

Thanks so much for the feedback, I’m glad to hear TinyCat is smart and easy for you to use!

Want to learn more about the IPCC? 

Visit their website at and check out their full TinyCat collection here.

To read up on TinyCat’s previous Libraries of the Month, visit the TinyCat Post archive here.

Want to be considered for TinyCat’s Library of the Month? Send us a Tweet @TinyCat_lib or email Kristi at

Labels: libraries, Library of the Month, TinyCat

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Come Join the 2024 Pride Month Treasure Hunt!

It’s June, and that means that our annual Pride Month Treasure Hunt is back!

We’ve scattered a shower of rainbows around the site, and it’s up to you to try and find them all.

  • Decipher the clues and visit the corresponding LibraryThing pages to find a rainbow. Each clue points to a specific page right here on LibraryThing. Remember, they are not necessarily work pages!
  • If there’s a rainbow on a page, you’ll see a banner at the top of the page.
  • You have just under two weeks to find all the rainbows (until 11:59pm EDT, Sunday June 30th).
  • Come brag about your shower of rainbows (and get hints) on Talk.

Win prizes:

  • Any member who finds at least two rainbows will be awarded a rainbow badge. Badge ().
  • Members who find all 12 rainbows will be entered into a drawing for one of five sets of LibraryThing (or TinyCat) swag. We’ll announce winners at the end of the hunt.

P.S. Thanks to conceptDawg for the peacock illustration.

ConceptDawg has made all of our treasure hunt graphics in the last couple of years. We like them, and hope you do, too!

Labels: treasure hunt

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Author Interview: Joyce Maynard

Joyce Maynard

LibraryThing is pleased to present our interview with author Joyce Maynard, whose bestselling 1998 memoir, At Home in the World—a subject of controversy in some quarters due to its exposé of the author’s brief relationship with the reclusive J.D. Salinger—has been translated into sixteen languages. An earlier memoir, the 1973 Looking Back: A Chronicle of Growing Up Old in the Sixties, was Maynard’s book debut. She would go on to pen three other works of nonfiction and twelve novels. Two of her novels, To Die For (1992) and Labor Day (2009) have been made into films—the 1995 To Die For starring Nicole Kidman, and the 2013 Labor Day starring Josh Brolin and Kate Winslett. From 1984 to 1990, Maynard was also the author of the syndicated column Domestic Affairs, and she has contributed articles and reviews to numerous publications. Her 2021 novel, Count the Ways, described by Joyce Carol Oates as a “fearlessly candid, heartrendingly forthright examination of the joys and terrors of family life,” won the Grand Prix de Littérature Américaine (American Literature Grand Prize). How the Light Gets In, Maynard’s thirteenth novel, and the sequel to Count the Ways, is due out from William Morrow later on this month. She sat down with Abigail to answer some questions about her new book.

How the Light Gets In is a departure for you, in that it is the first sequel you have written and published. Did you always mean to write two books about your main character and her family, or did you find, upon finishing Count the Ways, that there was more to tell? Does writing a sequel differ from writing a stand-alone novel, and was there anything particularly challenging or enjoyable about it?

When I wrote Count the Ways, I never envisioned it as the first of two novels. I imagined, when I reached the last page of that novel, that I would have to say goodbye to the characters in that story. (This is always hard, by the way. My characters become so real to me, over the course of writing a novel, that when I reach the end, I miss them. Even the problematic ones.)

But after Count the Ways was published, I heard from so many readers who wanted to know what happened next. Many expressed concern—even anger—that the main character of Count the Ways, Eleanor, seemed to have spent her entire adult life sacrificing herself for everyone else and putting her own needs last. They wanted to know: When did it get to be Eleanor’s turn?

I thought long and hard about this. As a woman–exactly the same age as Eleanor, and one who has grappled with that same question—I wanted to see Eleanor reach a new stage in her life, as I have in mine, where she is finally able to ask the question “What do I want… for my own life?” And she is finally able to let go of feeling that her role in life is to look after everyone else.

I spent a whole year just thinking about what kind of next chapters I wanted to give to Eleanor. I didn’t begin to write How the Light Gets In until I had a clear sense of what would make a satisfying resolution for this woman I had come to know so well. Almost as well as I know myself.

Of course she encounters many challenges in the new novel. Some very grave. But her perspective has changed with the passage of time. She’s not trying to fix everybody’s problems any more. She knows she can’t do that. She’s made her peace with imperfection. That’s why I gave this new novel the title I did. It comes from a song by Leonard Cohen, with the line, “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

This new story is about learning to embrace the messy, difficult, sometimes painful cracks in our lives. And finding beauty in them.

As for the challenges of writing a sequel: I wanted to make sure, as I wrote this book, that a reader would not have to have read Count the Ways to read and appreciate this one. (Of course I recommend that a reader begin with the earlier novel. But it’s definitely not a prerequisite for understanding this one.)

What was challenging: Keeping track of all those different characters—the members of Eleanor’s family, and others—over the passage of time. But I loved that too. I got to spend more time with some characters I love, chief among them Toby, Eleanor’s youngest son, brain injured at age 5. He’s in his late thirties when the new novel opens, and grows into his forties. I love Toby so much. I wanted good things for him. I wanted him to find love. It wasn’t easy, imagining where that might come from.

Between the two books, you cover some fifty years in the life of one family—a life played out against the backdrop of public events. In How the Light Gets In this includes climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic and the events of January 6th. What connection, if any, do these events have to the lives of your characters? Are they simply the backdrop against which more personal crises unfold, an influence on your characters and their choices, or perhaps some kind of parallel to individual experience?

To me, there was no way to write about the years from 2010 to 2024 without making reference to what was going on in our country at the time. I could no more set a novel in the Trump years—and their aftermath—than I could set a novel in France or Germany in the late 1930’s and early 40’s and not mention World War 2.

I write about relationships, families, what happens in kitchens and living rooms and bedrooms—and at the edge of a waterfall, or a small town bowling alley, or in a school where kids learn to be fearful that a kid with an AK 15 might walk into their classroom. In my mind, there is no way to separate what happens in those places, from what’s going on in our country and the world. I’m not getting on a soapbox when I write, offering my political opinions. I’m trying to portray life in the United States of America as ordinary people live it.

Your book has been described as a family saga, one that addresses “the new American family.” What does this mean to you? What distinguishes the new American family from the old, and what does your story say about the role of family in our lives?

When I was growing up—in a household of many secrets and troubles as well as much creative inspiration—I took my definition of “a happy family” from what I saw on television. Mother/ father, kids. Nobody worried about a father getting drunk, or the mother suffering from depression, or one of the kids addicted to drugs. No divorce. No money problems. No struggles with gender identity.

I carried that picture into my own adult life. When I was divorced from my children’s father, at age 35, I was viewed, the term for where I lived with my children was “a broken home.” At the time my marriage ended, I was supporting our family writing a syndicated newspaper column about raising children, being a parent. Almost half the newspapers who had been running that column chose to drop it, once I announced the divorce. “Joyce Maynard is no longer qualified to write about family life,” one editor at a major newspaper wrote to my newspaper syndicate.

Over the years, my definition of “family” has evolved considerably. So has our national perception, I think. A family can be two women, or two men, or a single parent and her children. Sometimes we make our own families, that have nothing to do with blood connection.

I still know myself to be a person who cares deeply and passionately about “family”. But I know now, there is no one picture of what constitutes a family. And more than one way to be part of “a happy family”. And no such thing as a perfectly happy family, either. What I strive for these days is to accept my flaws and failures, as I do those of others around me. Being part of a family requires compassion and forgiveness. Not perfection.

You have written two memoirs over the course of your career, and have spent time reflecting on the events of your own life. Did your personal life story provide any inspiration when writing about Eleanor and her family?

I want to make this very plain: Eleanor is not me. She’s a fictional character. But I’d be lying if I pretended that her story wasn’t hugely informed by my own experiences of parenthood, love, loss, divorce, and its aftermath. I’ve also been the beneficiary of a huge gift over the years, which has come from nearly thirty years I’ve spent hosting memoir workshops for women.

Hundreds of women—well over a thousand, in fact—have trusted me with their most intimate and often painful stories, over the years. Those are private. I don’t divulge what women tell me in my memoir workshops, unless they specifically grant me the right to do so. But I have learned as much about women’s lives in those workshops as the women have learned, about writing. I carry the stories of those women with me every day of my life. They are always with me when I write.

The figure of the mother is central to both of these books, even when she is missing from the family circle, or estranged from her children. What does your story have to say about the role of the mother? What does a mother owe to her children, and what does she owe to herself?

There’s a chapter in How the Light Gets In called “The Definition of a Good Mother”, in which Eleanor strives to answer the question, “what is a good mother?” And tackles the impossibility of ever being good enough. (In case you want to take a look, it’s on page 259 of my book. I’m pretty sure that when I travel around the country, giving readings and talking about this new novel of mine, I’ll read a few paragraphs from that chapter.)

I could say so much about this question, of what a mother owes her children, and what she owes herself. In many ways, I think this entire novel stands as my attempt to answer those two questions. What I’ll say here, to keep it simple, is that there may be no greater gift a mother can give her children than the model of a woman who—along with providing them loving care, nurturing and attention—also values and respects and cares for herself.

When a mother fails to do those things—when she sacrifices everything for her children—sooner or later she finds herself in Crazyland. (Read Count the Ways and How the Light Gets In and you’ll understand what I mean).

Tell us about your library. What’s on your own shelves?

Plenty of fiction of course. But also: Art books. Poetry. Children’s books. Books of classic photography. Books about US history. And my collection of the Sears Christmas Catalogue from around 1960 to 1969. Among other things…

What have you been reading lately, and what would you recommend to other readers?

In honor of Alice Munro, a writer I revered—and one whose work always instructs me—I am trying to reread as many of her short stories as I can this summer. (Last summer I did the same with the short stories of Raymond Carver and Andre Dubus II.)

Labels: author interview, interview

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

June 2024 Early Reviewers Batch Is Live!

Win free books from the June 2024 batch of Early Reviewer titles! We’ve got 194 books this month, and a grand total of 3,777 copies to give out. Which books are you hoping to snag this month? Come tell us on Talk.

If you haven’t already, sign up for Early Reviewers. If you’ve already signed up, please check your mailing/email address and make sure they’re correct.

» Request books here!

The deadline to request a copy is Tuesday, June 25th at 6PM EDT.

Eligibility: Publishers do things country-by-country. This month we have publishers who can send books to the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Sweden, Denmark and more. Make sure to check the message on each book to see if it can be sent to your country.

Meddling with MistletoeThe Blooming of DelphiniumThey Were Good Germans Once: A MemoirDecade of Disunion: How Massachusetts and South Carolina Led the Way to Civil War, 1849-1861Disgusting Critters: A Creepy Crawly CollectionThe Dishonest Miss TakeBane of the WitchThe Thing About My UncleGeneration RetaliationThe Ballad of Falling RockRAPilates: Body and Mind Conditioning in the Digital AgeFalse IdolsHidden FurySaved by the MatchmakerBy Evening's LightOthered: Finding Belonging with the God Who Pursues the Hurt, Harmed, and MarginalizedWhen I Look at the Sky, All I See Are StarsReady for True Love: The Modern Guide for Ladies, Gents, Daters and CouplesMist and Moonbeams: Stories from the Great Lakes EdgeRight Hand of the ResistanceSeenThe Heir of VenusThe Paris Cooking SchoolSleep TightAfter OzProphet's DeathMe, My Father and I: Normandy to Hamburg: A Tankies StoryVoices Carry: A Story of Teaching, Transitions, & TruthsThe AwakeningThe Nonprofit Dilemma: Insights & Strategies for Purpose-Driven LeadersThe Path of RevengeStrong Songs of the Dead: The Pagan Rites of Sacred HarpStructured Madness: New Poems in Traditional FormatsVictors: A Novel of Love, War and JazzSome Things Aren't Meant to BeIn a Flash 2024Fourteen StonesPlease Don't Talk to MeA Life in TalesBlackheart ManNew & Selected PoemsCan Robots Love God and Be Saved? A Journalist Reports on FaithUSS Primis: The First StarshipTechnical Analysis Basics: Stock Market ChartsDon't Want to Be Your MonsterLockjawSomething MoreTo the One I LoveAnimals RisingThe CaricaturistThe Secret BeautifulShardsBusiness Communication Essentials You Always Wanted to KnowTaken by His SwordHealing Magic & PlayboysA Bowl of Friends: Friends Are ForeverDark HeartMy Specific Awe and Wonder: PoemsWhere is Ana Amara?The Righteous ArrowsReady for True Love: The Modern Guide for Ladies, Gents, Daters & CouplesDenial and ExclusionThe Grocer Who Sold McCarthyism: The Rise and Fall of Anti-Communist Crusader Laurence A. JohnsonA Curse for SamhainCatch a CowboySequins, Scandals & Salchows: Figure Skating in the 1980sFarewell PerformanceArtificial WisdomGoode Vibrations of the Wresting PlaceThe WastelanderQuest for SurvivalOne Random Act of ViolenceSpace Cats: Making EnemiesSpace Cats: Making EnemiesKatharine's Remarkable Road TripThe Merchant of Venus: The Life of Walter Thornton: A Trailblazer in Modeling, Advertising, WWII Pin-Up Girls, and Shaping Future Stars of Hollywood's Golden AgeShe Serves the RealmDraw A Hard LineA Quality ManThe First Quarter: Turning Twenty-Five Is a Milestone, But the Journey Is So Much MoreFeral Creatures of SuburbiaPilgrim: Volume 1Lady Cosa Nostra: Victoria's SecretsOut of the Water: The Epic of MosesBurned Over! The Surivival of Montana Firefighter Dan SteffensenWalking with the Good Samaritan: Servant Leadership For A New EraFalling in FlamesThe Fear of FireSparks Fly, Tempers FlareBehind the Wheel TipsUntil The Cold Is GentleThe Snow GamesThe Christmas ProofMemory and BoneUgliestDance Daughters of the Most High!: Amazing Stories of Long Overlooked and Underappreciated Women in the Old TestamentTale of the Unlikely PrinceThe Rabboni: The Lost Mission Journals of St. MatthewGetting to Know YouMaejSomething about LizzyHarriet's EscapeTranquila: A Doctor-Mom Attempts Slow Life in SpainIn Love With Him AgainTrickstersEmergent MarsMissing Monarchy: What Americans Get Wrong About Monarchy, Democracy, Feudalism, and LibertyScarlet and SapphireA Thousand Thousand Petty Phrases: A Collection of Sonnetsbliss is a fitter muse than miseryTree of TruthTable for Two: A Collection of StoriesThe Night Garden: Of My MotherFundamental Mechanics of the Human Thinking MindHelp! My Room Exploded: How to Simplify Your Home to Reduce ADHD SymptomsGilded LiesCremation VacationThanks for Stopping ByParachutes Not IncludedIn Search Of The Perfect Buzz: An 80s Metal MemoirWaxwing CreekCinnamon BeachFinancial Fun from A-ZThe Gift of Journaling: Writing as a Path to DiscoveryEating Our Way Through American History: Pairing Historic Sites With Tasty Bites in and Around PhiladelphiaThe Phoenix and the FirebirdPink EyeThe AcquaintanceTheir Unlikely ProtectorCasey and Parker Find A Forever FamilyWedding BanditsThe Genetic UniverseBudding Lotus in the West: Buddhism from an Immigrant's Feminist PerspectiveI Know You DoCoco Lost in MiamiLifelong Fulfillment: Take Charge of Your Life!The Glorious and Epic Tale of Lady IsovarThe Recipient of SecretsOswegatchie Save MeBody on Ice: A Vermont Murder MysteryKeeper of Lost LovesMommy Needs a Minute: From Burnout to EmpowermentGirl Meets Horse: An Easy Introduction to Horse Care and Riding for Kids and TweensDead EgyptiansWhen It All Falls DownHogs Head StewStone CreekGhosts of History: The Temple of AoddaFlames and Frying PansKat GirlHow to Pass Your FAA Part 107 Pilot ExamBetwixt Ice and EmbersThe Sea and other bullshit: Second Edition Revised and UncensoredSonya: Music of the SpheresFrom Young To Wise: The Philosopher's Fallacy and How to Avoid ItFestive Mayhem 4God Unlimited: Why We Believe in GodSonya: Far FutureThe Spy Prince Of BasadeshMIND GAME ChallengeCupcakes Everywhere: One Sweet Tale of Overcoming InfertilityMetavilleFinding the PastThe Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Starting Your Own BusinessFavorite Things: The Far IslandElven BloodSong for Susie EppA Good WomanEffortless Menopause for the Savvy Woman: Simple Science-Backed Solutions For Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness, and More, to Restore Physical & Mental VitalityShorter Than The DayPigs Have WingsLast Day at DyatloveMass ExodusA Curse of Scales & FeathersThe Respian ManSpliced UpKyd's GameTruth HurtsA Dark and Cozy NightHis Two Hidden MasksGambaTough RocksMaplecroftThe Titan CrownWorld's Abyss: A Journey of Exuviation and RebirthRise of the NemesisRexCity Zoo: An Unfairy StoryBlood RougeThe ReentrantMercyThe Reluctant MessiahWinx Thinks - Dinosaurs!Brown vs White

Thanks to all the publishers participating this month!

5 AM Publishing Akashic Books Alcove Press
Aquarius Press Baker Books Bellevue Literary Press
Bethany House BHC Press Blue Cedar Press
Chestnut Heights Publishing Cinnabar Moth Publishing LLC City Owl Press
CMU Press Crooked Lane Books DarkLit Press
Delphinium Books eSpec Books Grey Sun Press
Highlander Press Hot Tree Publishing Köehler Books
LaPuerta Books and Media Love Moderne Milford Books LLC
Owl Club Media Group PublishNation Purple Diamond Press, Inc
The Ravens Quoth Press Revell Rootstock Publishing
Simon & Schuster Toodat Fiction Treasure Bay Books
Tundra Books Tuxtails Publishing, LLC Underworld Amusements
Vibrant Publishers Wise Media Group

Labels: early reviewers, LTER