LibraryThing is pleased to welcome Rebecca (LibraryThing rebeccaamax, Litsy rebeccaamax) to the team, as a new Library Projects Developer.
Rebecca will be working on LibraryThing’s library products, including Syndetics Unbound, co-developed with ProQuest, and TinyCat. She will also be involved in parsing library data for LibraryThing.com and other company projects.
Say hello on her LibraryThing profile or on the Welcome Rebecca Talk topic.
About Rebecca
Rebecca grew up in New York before moving to Providence, RI to attend Brown University for a BA in Theatre and Performance Studies. Prior to joining LibraryThing, she worked as a digital projects developer for a college library and did other digital humanities and web development work, but has been tinkering around with code since a single-digit age, building things like Redwall fansites and poor attempts at Choose Your Own Adventure games. Now she writes better games (computer games and RPGs) and other little tools to outsource her problems to computers/code, as well as directing and producing theatre. She also likes travel, history, folk music, and sewing/crafting, and reads a lot of fantasy and sci-fi.
Favorite Authors: William Shakespeare, Patrick O’Brian, Tamsyn Muir, Italo Calvino
LibraryThing Member: rebeccaamax
Litsy Member: rebeccaamax
Labels: employees