We’re pleased to introduce Ammar Abu-Yasein (member LT_Ammar) to the LibraryThing gang!
Ammar will be working as a developer from across the pond (in Jordan), mostly on LibraryThing.com, developing new features and improving old ones. His first feature was improved export. Say hello to Ammar on his profile, or join us in the “Welcome Ammar!” Talk topic.
About Ammar
Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, Ammar has loved computers and video games from an early age. He graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Toledo in 2011, and a year later he joined a strong and vibrant IT community in Amman, Jordan. Ammar has spent countless hours building all types of software, from mobile to web apps. He’s excited to join the LibraryThing team and develop further skills.
When he’s not in a staring contest with his monitor, Ammar enjoys picnics with his family, swimming, making money, and of course, reading! His favorite authors include Stephen King, Steve McConnel, and J.K. Rowling, respectively. Ammar dreams of one day owning a helicopter (who doesn’t?)!
Labels: employees
Welcome to LT! I look forward to your contributions to my favorite website. I hope you are enjoying your time in Amman, Jordan and that you have time to venture outside of the city. For years, I read The Daily Star online, which gave me some insight into unique aspects of Jordanian culture. I only hope I am fortunate enough to be able to visit the country some day, as well as some others that are on my list. I know that Stephen King just came out with a new critically acclaimed novel. Hope you have a chance to read it soon. If you haven’t already, you might also want to consider reading some of his son Joe Hill’s books.
Best wishes,
Hi Ammar
Welcome. It’s cool you can work all the way from Jordan. It is on my bucket list. I just had a trip to Turkey and loved it. Somewhat near, anyway. I hope you enjoy your job.
CONGRATULATIONS and Welcome to Library.Thing. I’m so looking forward to any and all repairs, changes and or improvements you might have in store for us. I also look forward to hearing of your time in Amman as your family matures and you become our friend.
Hello and welcome to LT, Ammar! Looking forward to all that you have to contribute and share. May your time here also be enlightening, full of growth and fulfilling.
~ Laura
Welcome, Ammar! And Happy New Year 2015. I compliment you for being willing and able to work from Jordan, and we welcome you to the LibraryThing team. Hopefully you will find it both mind-expanding and deeply interesting. The combination makes for the best kind of work. Congratulations!