We’ve just added a comprehensive “Statistics” section for our revolutionary Mobile OPAC, Library Anywhere (web page, handout, screencast).
The goal is help libraries understand how Library Anywhere is being used. It shows you charts and tables of traffic, users, native app. vs. mobile web use, and the phones people are using.
Screencast. I made a 4:30-second screencast about the new section here. You can also see it on YouTube.
Webinars. We hold webinars for people interested in Library Anywhere every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm Eastern US time. Sign up for one today and we’ll tell you everything you ever wanted to know.
To sign up for the next one, click to register. On the WebEx registration page, under Attend a Meeting click “Browse Meetings” and then “Monthly” to register for scheduled webinars.
Labels: library anywhere, mobile, mobile catalog, mobile web