Monday, November 8th, 2010

Library Anywhere Android app now available!

Library Anywhere, which turns any library catalog (OPAC) into a mobile one, is now available in the Android market. The Android Verson joins the iPhone application, Mobile Web version and Universal/Accessibility version.

qrcodeGoogle doesn’t have a webpage for apps in the Android Market. If you’re on an Android device, however, you search for “Library Anywhere” or follow market://search?q=pname:com.phonegap.LibraryAnywhere to get to the app. You can also scan the QR code to the right with your phone to get to it.

The Android version is just the latest news on LibraryThing—with more to come this week. So far, over 35 libraries are signed up, with many more testing it. Between apps for iPhone and Android (a Blackberry one is coming), a Section-508-compatible OPAC, no-installation setup and prices both public and a fraction of its competitors’, we’re optimistic we’ll capture a big piece of the market. If not, at least we’ll force the various competitors to slash their prices!

Labels: android, library anywhere, librarything for libraries, LTFL, mobile, mobile catalog


  1. Heather p. says:

    Wow. I dig it and will definitely try to implement
    This app at the library where I work. Wish me luck!

  2. D. Ceabron Williams, ML says:

    Would it be possible to add the Georgia PINES OPACs? It is a major resource for the State of Georgia, but I don’t see it on your list. Thanks!


  3. Abby says:

    Daniel – the libraries we have are ones that have subscribed to the service, and Georgia PINES haven’t, unfortunately.

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