The iPhone (works with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad) app for Library Anywhere is now available on the iTunes App Store!
This is our first native app for Library Anywhere, which launched last week (see the blog post). Library Anywhere takes a library catalog and makes it mobile, instantly—so you can do things like search the catalog on the bus, place a hold, renew your books, see when story time is, and more! The iPhone app version takes advantage of the iPhone’s geolocation feature, to find the library closest to you.
In addition to the just-released iPhone app, Library Anywhere also includes 3 mobile web versions, customized for iPhone, Android, and a Universal version that works on any phone. Native apps for other platforms (including Android) will be released later this year.
You can get the app from the App Store by clicking the link above, or just going into iTunes and searching for “library anywhere”. If you’re already using the mobile web version on your iPhone, you can click the “Get the app” menu option.
Labels: app, iphone app, library anywhere, librarything for libraries, LTFL
Just wanted to say Congrats! My husband just published his first iphone app recently as well and I know he is excited so you must be too!
Im downloading it right now
I just downloaded it to my I-Pad, but the State of Florida is NOT listed?
Any reason why?
I would like to see my book inventory – is this the app for that?, or should I stick to using the web browser to see what i have in my shelf?
I wanted to pass along my experience with this app as loaded on my Ipod touch.
I am a Mountain Library Network member, and use online resources frequently for searches, renewals, etc.
When I downloaded and installed the very first version of this app it allowed me to put in my account info and access my MLN account functions. The app froze and had to be deleted and reinstalled, but didnt work correctly after.
I removed the first version and installed the newer version when it came out but it is still not functional.
If I pick my account the screen changes to one that says ‘Login’ with a submit button. Nowhere is there a place that the application lets me put in my bar code and password to allow the login to complete. If you press ‘submit’ you get a “loading” message for about a count of 10 and back to the same login screen.
Across the top of the MLN main screen are a ‘head’ that when pressed takes you to the nonfunctional login screen, a ‘star’ that says it is for quick retrieval, and three dots to select a library, about and clear all settings.
Tapping clear all settings takes you to the browse all lib and find lib near you page. If I pick MLS (parkersburg) from the list of libraries near by, I get a longer menu including a ‘my account’ menu which gets me back to the nonfunctional login page.
I have screen photos of what the nonfunctional screen looks like – if those would be helpful, please send an email to the above address and I can attach them and reply.
Would really like this app to be functional – which for me currently it is not in several important respects.
John Pitner
Hi John,
Sorry that was a temporary glitch to the account page. It’s working correctly now, and you’ll see the fields to login appearing. Thanks for reporting it!
I was able to search books and place a hold on this app but can’t figure out how to view my account and renew items or see what’s due. Am I missing something?
Jennifer – click the little person icon on the top to get to your account page, where you should be able to login and see checkouts, renew, etc. If it’s not working, email me some more info (like which library you’re using):
Can I use the app to view my books collection on library thing account.or can you that feature to the app.
Jos – The Library Anywhere app makes existing libraries – public and academic, mostly – mobile. It’s not an app to your books on That is coming though!