Sunday, April 15th, 2007

Tim to CIL and the Library of Congress, Abby to Australia

UPDATE: If you’re in DC and want to come to CIL (Librarian? Enjoy vendor-tchotchkes?), I have 50 free tickets. I’m supposed to give them out to my important vendors and clients. That’s you. Email me and we’ll figure out how to do this. I’ll probably leave a stack at the closest Starbucks.

I’m off to Computers in Libraries in Washington, DC. LibraryThing will have a booth there, and I’ve giving two talks:

  • Tuesday, 1:30-2:30. “Cutting Edge Leaders.”* One whole hour of me, giving my general talk about what LibraryThing is and what it means, amped-up for savy CILers.
  • Wednesday. 11:30-12:15. “Catalogs/OPACs for the Future,” with me and Roy Tennant. I’ll probably do LibraryThing for Libraries.

I’ll be showing LibraryThing for Libraries at the talks. Unfortunately, it’s just me, so I’m going to torn between manning the booth and going to all the great talks. I’m bringing along forty CueCat barcode readers. Free? No. I’ll be giving them out at cost—$5.

On Thursday I’m doing a talk at the Library of Congress. I am completely psyched. It’s not open to the public, but they said I could sneak in a friend or two.

Also on Thursday, Abby will be in Australia at the Innovative Ideas Forum, hosted by the National Library of Australia.**

On Friday*** I’ll be the closing keynote at Digital Odyssey 2007, hosted by the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto. I’m talking about “Social Cataloging and the ‘Fun’ OPAC?” I put them in myself, but I want to remove those quotes.

*Apparently I am one, because it’s just me and I not planning to talk about the others.
**Synchronicity. We have tried and failed to find national libraries for the other LibraryThing employees to talk at on the same day. If you represent such a library, please contact us.
***Portland->Boston->DC->Toronto->DC->Portland. Gulp.

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