Thursday, October 26th, 2006

Embedded Library and School Library Journal

Tim and I were at Tufts a couple of weeks ago for NEASIS&T’s “The Dawn of the Embedded Library” program – he was gave a talk, and I was on a panel with all the speakers at the end. It was a lot of fun, we got to hear from Annette Bailey and Godmar Back, creators of the LibX extension for Firefox (she created it for a job interview – how incredible is that?). Nicole Hennig was impressive – she’s doing all sorts of crazy things at MIT, trying out all sort of new tools, using bits and pieces and mash-ups, and putting themselves “where the users are.” The whole day was recorded, and the talks are all online at NEASIS&T’s blog. Thanks to Caryn Anderson for pulling the whole thing together!

The speaking tour has just begun – next week Tim’s off to talk to the Delaware Valley chapter of the ACRL about the future of the catalog, and I’ll be with the Wisconsin librarians at a water park. I mean, a conference. Then in November I’ll be part of “OPAC 2.0: Reinventing the Library Catalog” for NELINET. Any Thingamabrarians going to be at any of these? We really should start having meet-ups or something. The BBQ in Maine over the summer was fun.

In other belated news, LT made it into October’s issue of School Library Journal. In the article, “A Book Lover’s MySpace“, Kathy Ishizuka calls it “one of the Net’s sleeper hits, a testament to both the word-of-mouth power of the blogosphere and the enduring passion for books.” Not bad! Plus, if you can get ahold of the print copy, you get to see a photo of my shining face. She also includes a link to a podcast with John Klima, who’s using LT to recommend books to the teens in his library.

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