Six million books. If we weren’t flat-out coding, I’d tell you who put in the six-millionth book and give them a free membership like before. Or maybe a pound of marzipan from Germany.
Going to the National Book Fair tomorrow in Washington, DC? A bunch of Thingamabrarians have organized a meet-up at the Natural History Museum at 2pm. Sounds like great fun. Check out the planning/discussion on Talk.
Abby, Chris and I are sorry we can’t be there. Speaking of meet-ups, is anyone going to be at the Frankfurt Book Fair next week? Abby and I are also in Boston presenting at an academic conference on Tuesday; see Thingology.
In MSM news, we were in OK magazine on the same page as Lindsay Lohan*, the Wall Street Journal mentioned us in an article on “lists”** and the Channel 5 News in Boston—Chet and Nat!—did a story on LibraryThing.
*Our Lohan number is now zero. Our Erdos number remains very high. But what of Kevin Bacon? (Should be low. Bacon was in a Muppets movie, and Lohan did a lot of Disney.)
**It was a good but not spotlighted mention. Alas, we didn’t get the top box spotlight. Also, I was the source for three of the sites they spotlighted—TrixieTracker, RecipeThing and Squirl. Envious? Me?