I have made some various small changes to the catalog page and I wanted to give you a chance to offer some feedback on these and the new catalog in general (except color scheme, that is for another discussion). Leave your comments here or bring them over to the Google Group for more discussion.
- You can now search subjects via the catalog search box. Just select ‘Subjects’ in the drop-down menu.
- ISBNs are now included in ‘Book’ searches.
- Titles are now links to the social info page.
- Multiple fixes to lingering in-place editing problems have been applied. If you know of a problem that has not been fixed, please let us know. It’s better to have too many reports than to have none.
- The list of pages at the bottom of the catalog now displays correctly when you select “show all.”
- Subject pages are now displayed with correct links to the global subjects and the global pages have correct display of the subject path.
- I’d like to know if people are still getting the stack overflow errors. I applied a work-around last night but I’m not sure if it is correcting the problem for everyone.
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