With warmer days on the horizon (at least for us Northern Hemisphere folks), this month’s spotlight features the library for The Lake Rotoiti Classic & Wooden Boat Association in New Zealand. The Association’s volunteer Webmaster and Librarian Peter Mitchell was kind enough to tell me more about what they do:
Who are you, and what is your mission—your “raison d’être”?
The Lake Rotoiti Classic & Wooden Boat Association (LRCWBA) are a community group that surround Lake Rotoiti (which means ‘small lake’ in Māori). There are two Rotoitis in New Zealand and ours is the North Island one. The group exists to coordinate fun social events and to gather and preserve vintage boats.
Tell us some interesting things about how your library supports the community.
The group members can pull a book on a particular technical area such as restoring a clinker built hull or a 1950s inboard motor. That material would not be available in many places these days.
What are some of your favorite items in your collection?

The library has starry picture books, heroic high seas tales and technical manuals on motors and restorations.
What’s a particular challenge your library experiences?
We need our members to engage with it a bit more, but this is just a marketing task. Basically me, the librarian, talking to each member about what they can contribute and what they can get from the library.
What’s your favorite thing about TinyCat?
I love the way TinyCat backs into a few different book catalogues and can pull data across to speed up the creation of the catalogue.
Want to learn more about the LRCWBA?
Visit their website at https://www.woodenboatparade.co.nz/, follow them on Facebook, and explore their full TinyCat collection here.
To read up on TinyCat’s previous Libraries of the Month, visit the TinyCat Post archive here.
Want to be considered for TinyCat’s Library of the Month? Send us a Tweet @TinyCat_lib or email Kristi at kristi@librarything.com.
Labels: libraries, Library of the Month, TinyCat