January’s batch of Early Reviewer books is up! This month has a mix of literary fiction, fantasy, YA fiction, Christian fiction, a memoir, non-fiction, health and how-to books, and more…
Sign up to get free advance copies of books, in exchange for reviews. (Please please please make sure to include your full name and mailing address — it speeds up getting a book to you if you win one).* More help available in the Early Reviewers Frequently Asked Questions.
Then go ahead and request books to read and review! The list of available books is here: http://www.librarything.com/er/list
This month we have 20 books (495 copies in all) from 10 different publishers:
- Algonquin Books
- B&H Publishing Group
- Bethany House
- Eirini Press
- Hunter House
- Orange Curtain Publishing
- Orbit Books
- Picador
- Shadow Mountain
The deadline to request books from this batch is Tuesday, January 15th at noon, EST.
*The country thing:
This month we only have books that can be sent to residents of the US and Canada. I *know* there are interested reviewers in many other countries, and we’re trying to find publishers willing to give out books in those countries. I know it’s frustrating, but know that I haven’t given up yet.
Labels: early reviewers, LTER