Archive for the ‘talks’ Category

Friday, September 30th, 2011

The Velocity of Books

The Harvard Library Innovation Lab recently posted a talk I had with David Weinberger, the co-director, freelance philosopher and author of Everything Is Miscellaneous. We talked about social reading, ebooks and libraries.

You can find the talk here:

It’s an odd interview, having been edited down from an hour-long, wider-ranging conversation. A lot of David’s questions and all of his longer opinions have been edited out, which is unfortunate because he’s smarter than I am and more interesting to listen to. And it makes some of my answers seem a bit random and disconnected. But the core of the conversation is there, the discussion is fast-paced and should be interesting to fans of the topic.

Labels: talks, weinberger

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Tasmanian radio interview and talk

John Dalton, our man in Australia, did a snappy 12-minute radio interview for ABC Hobart show “Afternoons” with Michael Veitch. (Apparently, although John’s thousands of miles away from the rest of us, and working from home, he doesn’t get to “bludge around” very much.)

Here’s a link to a recording: recording

The appearance was related to the State Library of Tasmania, a long-time LibraryThing for Libraries member, adding our “Reviews” enhancement, and public talk John is giving on Wednesday at the State Library in Hobart tomorrow, Wednesday at 4:00pm.

More on the talk here.

An example book at the State Library, with reviews, here.

Labels: australia, librarything for libraries, talks

Friday, July 20th, 2007

Me, at the LC!

The Library of Congress just posted the video of my talk there. Link and description over at Thingology.

Labels: library of congress, talks