Archive for the ‘book blogs’ Category

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

Book blogs?

I need to broaden my horizons, and pick up a few good book-industry and bookseller blogs. I don’t care about book deals, but I wouldn’t mind some insight into how publishing is changing, particularly when it comes to technology.

I subscribe to some 114 blogs right now—mostly library-related, with a smattering of technology, startup, web 2.0 and competitor ones thrown in. But I don’t follow much in the way of publishing industry blogs—pretty much only the BookFinder Journal, Michael Cairns’ Persona non Data, Eoin Purcell, BookBrunch and Joe Wikert. And I only read one bookseller blog, the recently-discovered Hang Fire Books, which I read for the pulp covers.

Does anyone know of any good blogs?

Labels: book blogs, books