Saturday, September 24th, 2005

Shelf view

You can now switch to seeing your book covers displayed side-by-side together as if they were on a shelf. (On a shelf facing out, which no book-lover would do!) Check it out.

Some notes:

  • This post was originally a request for QA help. I think all the errors can be traced to something which is now fixed. Before reporting an error, quit out of your browser and come back in. The “stylesheets” in your cache may be old.
  • If you report an error, also tell me you browser and OS. If you’re feeling generous, also give me a screenshot.
  • I will look into ways users can contribute cover images. I’m worried about it from storage, security and spamming angles. I might add such a feature, but restrict it to external URLs at established booksellers and publishers.
  • The effect is something like what Delicious Library does, although Delicious Library improves Amazon’s images and puts them on a photo-realistic shelf. (Rectangles floating in space is about all I can handle right now!) For what it’s worth, I didn’t steal the feature from DL. I doubt he patented it, but I’ve got prior year prior art from an eBook project I worked on at my former employer, Houghton Mifflin.

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