Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

LibraryThing for Libraries: Logo

Update: Redid, with green tag—more punch. Okay, that’s the last fiddle.

I hate design. It takes SOOOO long for me to sweat out something that doesn’t make my skin crawl. (What happens to your skin is another matter.) I went around on this one a hundred times, mostly over the font. The problem is the LibraryThing font, a low-rent freeware thing, Thomas Paine. Originally intended as a sort of Lovecraft-meets-Gorey joke, for a site I thought would get a few thousand visitors a year, the logo has to some extent transcended its origins and historical and aesthetic specificity. But do a whole new phrase in it—LibraryThing for Libraries? Man, it looks like some crappy site for an American history schoolbook, “Reƒolved in Congreƒs aƒƒembled that LibrarThing doth proclaim…”

Anyway, the current design tries to keep the logo and add the words without mashing another typeface against it—an approach that I could never get to work. And it’s supposed to suggest something added (ie., to your OPAC) or the concept of tagging.

After ten hours, I’m blogging to force finality. To force myself to stop fiddling. I don’t even want feedback. I just want to close Photoshop and be done with it.

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Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

LibraryThing for Libraries: XML format

The LibraryThing for Libraries “widgets” are designed to have three outputs, only one of which is really a widget:

  • As JavaScript, adding HTML to your OPAC
  • As a link to a web page, for for screen readers without JavaScript
  • As XML

The XML is aimed for that small percentage of libraries with a dedicated library-services programmer. XML would allow greater flexibility, for example mashing LibraryThing’s recommendations with patron borrowing patterns or holding status. But it would also require some serious scripting.

The XML we’re going to be delivering will be simplicity itself. Provide a ISBN and the “widgets” you want and get back items with ISBNs, titles, authors and your catalog URL. Here’s an example for “similar books” (ie., recommendations) and “related editons.” (

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Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

LibraryThing for Libraries: Pricing?

Wow! A big response to our offer–send us your ISBNs and we’ll show you what LibraryThing for Libraries can do. I just received ISBNs from two more libraries, both US publics, each with over 500,000 ISBNs. I guess we’ll get to stress test the database earlier, not later.

Best of all, both half-millioners had 51% overlap with LibraryThing (see UPDATE below). Considering that patrons do not look at random books, but focus more on popular ones, I’m guessing this means LibraryThing has data on something like 75% of the OPAC lookups performed in large US publics. The data available will vary, but it’s a good start.

I received a very thoughful email about pricing, from one of the top “library geeks.” This part deserves quoting:

“The problem with not charging a lot of money for this is that it doesn’t look like you’re serious. Anything that’s changing the functionality and the look of the catalog is going to be a big deal no matter what you charge (at least for medium-large public libraries — academics are less inclined to worry about their patrons getting the vapors). If it costs a lot, it’ll be treated like a project and taken seriously, and is more likely to happen. If it costs a little, it’ll just be treated as a hassle. Last piece of free advice would be to price based upon #checkouts/year. That’ll correspond pretty well towards the amount of web traffic that’ll get generated.Of course it’s hard to know what the price should be without seeing the product in action.”

Sad, but probably true. Maybe we can have it both ways. Charge $1,000,000/year to show we’re serious, but give everyone 99.9% discounts.

Tonight: Fire up Photoshop and try to make a logo that doesn’t suck.

UPDATE: And a third, this a mixed consortium with 590,000 ISBNs. Their overlap was 52%. This is turning out to be Planck’s constant!

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Monday, April 9th, 2007

Sneak peek: LibraryThing for Libraries

Update: Comments also broke out on the much shorter note I wrote on the main blog.

I’m giving two talks at the upcoming Computers in Libraries conference (April 16-18) in DC. And LibraryThing will be unveiling a major new thing*: “LibraryThing for Libraries.” We’ve been developing it for a few weeks, and it’s time to start talking about it!

How it works: LibraryThing for Libraries is composed of a series of widgets, designed to enhancing library catalogs with LibraryThing data and functionality. The achievement is that the widgets require NO back-end integration.

We’re serious. Just add a single Javascript tag, and one

tag for every widget you want to display and we do the rest. To make sure the widgets use your library’s version of a title and that some widgets only refer to books you have, you also need to upload a file with ISBNs in it—just ISBNs or all mixed together in MARC records or whatever. The whole thing should work with any catalog.

Sneak Peak: Here’s a demo page, inserted into the New York Public Library catalog, showing “Similar Books” and “Related Editions.”**** Please note that we are NOT working with the NYPL, and they did not approve this. But it shows how our widgets can integrate with an OPAC (in this case Horizon). I can’t imagine they’ll mind seeing what we can do.

(sneak-peak link and here’s what it looked like before)

Pricing: LibraryThing for Libraries will have both free and paid widgets. In keeping with our policy on thingISBN, our “related editions” widget will be free—allowing any library in the country to “FRBRize their catalog” without paying LibraryThing or anyone else a dime.** The paid widgets will include book recommendations, tag-based browsing, ratings, reviews and so forth. We’ll only be releasing two or three at CIL, but the rest will come out over the next few months.

Help us! We mocked it up on the NYPL because haven’t enrolled any US public library beta testers—just two academic libraries overseas. LibraryThing’s data is strongest in public library catalogs, so they make the best examples. If you want to see what widgets would look like in your library, let us know. All we’ll need are a big file with ISBN in it. We can show you what it would look like without you changing anything in your actual OPAC. If you send us your data in the next week, we’ll give you six months free if you end up bringing the widgets live.

Lastly our vagueness about pricing is not secrecy, but uncertainty. We want it to be cheap enough for it to spread everywhere it would be welcome, and not fall victim to the sort of procedural delays a big-ticket OPAC decision would entail. But beyond that, we’re not certain. Tiny libraries should pay less than large ones. What should we peg it to? Budget? Librarians? Employees Does anyone have any idea what features like recommendations and tag-browsing would be worth to a library.

Expect more sneak peaks as we get closer to the conference! Next-up: “How do we integrate with your OPAC without integrating with your OPAC, or Is Altay an amazing JavaScript programmer or what?”

Obligatory footnotes:
*I hate the terms “product” and “service.” Blech. LibraryThing is reflexively open, but we didn’t live up to our principles on this one. We’re entering a “space”*** occupied by some frighteningly large and well-established companies, and got a little scared about revealing too much. But, what the heck? We’re young and quick and have data the established providers don’t.
**If we end up with lots of libraries using this service, and nobody using paid widgets, we may eventually need institute some sort of charge for the bandwidth and ISBN storage. But the related editions will certainly have no marginal price. If, as I anticipate, many libraries who are using “related editions” also use another widget, there will be no problem.
***A weasle-word for “market,” although at CIL we’re also literally entering a space, or rather a ‘hood with some well-established territories. There may be knife fights.
****The widgets are JS, but the demo page shows only the “rendered” HTML—the HTML after the JS has done its work. The integration requires some exceptional JavaScript-foo, and we’re keeping it under wraps for now.

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Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

Supermarket 2.0

Diverting video on “Supermarket 2.0.”

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Monday, April 2nd, 2007

Whew! (Chris Locke and Kathy Sierra)

Three cheers for Tim O’Reilly for bringing Chris Locke and Kathy Sierra together. The two a-list bloggers, previously locked in a horrendous, career-threatening imbroglio, have issued a disagreement-ending joint statement. Whew!

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Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

Will libraries die?

Note: The opinions in this post are mine alone, and contain generalizations about libraries from a non-librarian. Abby (a librarian) and John (not) probably don’t share them. And I might not agree with them tomorrow. Go easy on me.

Every profession has its party question–the one strangers ask when they find out what you do. Doctors get “What about those insurance companies?” My wife, a novelist, gets “Are you published?”* My question is “Are books going to die? Are libraries going to die?”

Meh. I’m not too afraid. I don’t see the perfect ebook arriving any time soon, and all the the book lovers and libraries hauling their collections to the dumpster. A thousand interesting, transformative things are happening to books and to libraries, but death-by-ebook seems very far off.

But then it hit me. To me, libraries are about books. But libraries today are about much more, with CDs and DVDs high on the list**. Those media ARE dying, being replaced by digital downloads. In my own life, I’ve almost stopped buying CDs, and recently my wife and I have seriosuly cut back on DVD rentals. We get both on iTunes now.***

I’m not taking every to the dumpster yet, but CD and DVD racks no longer have a central place in our living room. This stuff is on the way out. Technological adoption, habit and the fact that library borrowing is free will slow things down, but the trend is clear. Books are better than ebooks, even if you have to go to the library to get them. CDs and DVDs aren’t.

So, let’s all stop imagining a library without books, and imagine a library without CDs and DVDs. Let’s imagine a library with books, and hope for one with more of them. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m excited by that prospect.

*She is. Both she and my friend Kevin Shay have discovered another common question. When people hear they write novels, an amazing number of people are moved to ask “fiction?”
**Also internet access and serials. To keep this post short, I won’t get into them, although I think both are on the same downward escalator as CDs and DVDs.
***We watch on my laptop. We don’t own a TV. I know, smell us.

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Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

No more User Generated Content on LibraryThing

Did that get your attention? I mean no more using the term “User Generated Content.”

I hated “users” already, and have largely dropped it in favor of “members,” “people” or “you.” “Users” is too impersonal, and as some anonymous genius* said, the only other industry that calls its customers “users” is not one we want to emulate.

Anyway, there’s an excellent IT Conversations podcast with Doc Searls (Cluetrain Manifesto co-author), run by Phil Windley, where Doc expands on his hated of the term “User Generated Content.”

Doc Searls: One reason is I’m not just a user. I’ve never like the term “user” either. I realize there’s no better term. It’s like “content.” You need an encompassing word that stands for everybody who’s sitting at a computer or using a telephone or whatever the “usage” happens to be.

But on top of that, I don’t like the term “generated.” I don’t generate what I create–I write it. “Generating” is something that an inanimate device does. It’s not something that a person does.

And I don’t produce “content.” I never sit down at the keyboard or pick up a camera or draw something thinking “I’m going to generate some content here.” Nobody is motivated to generate content. Content is a measure of volume. It’s packing material. It’s container cargo. It’s not creative work.

And “user generated content” is the kind of thing only an exclusive, controlling producer can say. And to hear people in the Web 2.0 world or the online world saying “Oh, we need more user-generated content here!” It’s that you’re adopting the langauge of the old world when you do that. …

It’s not just about packing stuff into a vehicle that’s a medium. I don’t even like the term “medium” very much any more.

Phil Windley: Or “delivering information”—that’s another one.

Doc Searls: Yeah again, it’s the container cargo shipping version of the world–that assumes a distance. It assumes that you’re way over there and I’m way over here, and I need to “scale” a whole pile of you and I got to scale it up in way that I can package it up and I’m going to pack a lot of advertising around it because I can sell that shit. Oh, come on.

I mean, there’s nothing wrong with doing a business with that. But at least know what you’re doing. What you’re doing is to some degree diminishing the profoundly individual and deeply personal and socially transforming nature of the best of what that stuff is. …

When you say “user generated content” you are now subtracting out all the value of everything everybody’s doing.

The relevance to LibraryThing is obvious. We should never adopt the “containing shipping” model of what our members are doing, even in how we talk about it.

But I think there’s some special relevance to libraries too. Uncertainty about “user generated content” among librarians centers around issues of authority, certainly. But I suspect the mixture of impersonal technology and impersonal personality is also toxic. After all, most librarians have jobs that put them in frequent, meaningful contact with their patrons**. Librarians value the patron’s role in the library, and I suspect that, like teachers and students, many librarians learn from their patrons every day. I suspect there would be less resistance to “user generated content” in the library if it sounded less like communal sausage production.

We in the “Lib 2.0” world gain nothing by using the language of language of container ships to describe the writing, knowledge and opinions of patrons.

*Help? Paul Graham?
**A good term.

Labels: cluetrain, doc searls, lib2.0, ugc, user generated content

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

xISBN and thingISBN compared

William Denton over at the FRBR Blog ran some interesting comparisons between xISBN and thingISBN, two services that allow you to send an ISBN and get back a list of “related” ISBNs.* Denton seems to have confirmed what we found—OCLC’s xISBN has more ISBNs, but our thingISBN’s paperback coverage is superior. And both can turn out better than the other for no apparent reason.

He concludes:

Upshot: If you have an ISBN in hand and want to find ISBNs of other manifestations of the same work, use both thingISBN and xISBN.

Considering that OCLC has a BILLION records, some 1,200 employees and more left-handed, green-eyed, vegetarian software engineers than LibraryThing has employees, we’ll take the tie. And, of course, it’s not because our engineers are smarter. It’s because social collaboration is a powerful thing.

*Both have APIs; thingISBN is also available as one big take-it-and-run file.
**Someone wrote us to object that LibraryThing should not devalue the work of librarians by calling xISBN “just” an algorithm–it’s an algorithm built on the painstaking work of librarians. That’s fair enough, but both xISBN and thingISBN rely on that labor. (It’s why LibraryThing decided, and I conjecture OCLC decided, to make the service free to libraries.) The question is what happens next, algorithm or crowdsourcing.***
***Also, it’s a little known fact, but OCLC’s xISBN algorithm requires a constant supply of dead kittens. When you use xISBN, a kitten dies.

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Monday, March 19th, 2007

Compare your library to LibraryThing, now in CSV

Our feed of all LT ISBNs (described in this blog post) are now available in CSV format as well. See .

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