Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Introducing Dewmoji

Introducing Dewmoji: Emoji for Dewey Decimals®. A joke on Twitter about finding Emojis for every top-level Dewey Decimal class spun out of control and I ended up implementing something half-wonderful and half-terrible!

As usual on LibraryThing, any member can edit the system, which is now the work of many hands.

Try it out: http://www.librarything.com/mds/592
Talk about it: https://www.librarything.com/topic/226515



Note: ®Dewey Decimal and related terms are trademarks of OCLC. LibraryThing’s system is, properly, called the “Melvil Decimal System,” in order not to step on their toes. Although Dewey’s system goes back to 1876, and its earlier editions are in the public domain, they own the trademark, and once went so far as to sue a hotel that used the system. We hope we don’t get sued. If we do, we’ll make sure to emphasize how silly the whole thing is.

Labels: classification


  1. beth says:

    i made dewmoji signage for my shelves! it’s adorable. i was asked to put on teachers pay teachers. hope that’s ok!

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